Councillors and Officers

Your Councillors
Elections for Allesley Parish Council take place every four years.
The most recent election took place on May 2019 to elect 8 Councillors to serve on the Council for a period of four years to May 2023.
Contact details for each of the Councillors are shown below, together with details of any positions they hold on the Council.
Any Casual Vacancies which arise on the Council will be advertised formally on this website.
Register of Members Interests / Code of Conduct
All Members of Allesley Parish Council are, by law, required to complete a register of their personal interests. This will include, generally, details of any employment or business activities, membership of any public bodies, clubs or organisations and details of any property interests.
The records are maintained by Coventry City Council, but it is the responsibility of each individual Councillor to complete the register and to ensure that information is kept up-to-date.
The Register of Interests is open to inspection by the public and copies of the Declaration of Interest forms can be accessed by clicking here.
Cllr Thomas Burton - Chairman
Cllr Adrian Hobson - Vice Chairman
Cllr Vicky Parry Cllr Ian Farrar Postion Vacant Cllr Simon Grove Cllr Les Swann Cllr Mandy Davies Jane Chatterton Every four years an election is held when electors can stand for office. The election is arranged by Coventry City Council. The criteria for holding office is governed by the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972. If there are more prospective Councillors than places there is an election - in the same way as all elected representatives are selected. If there are 8 candidates or less than 8 candidates there is no election and all are automatically appointed. If during the course of a four-year cycle a Councillor leaves for whatever reason, a vacancy arises, a new Councillor can be co-opted and co-option is in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972. The following publications produced by the National Association of Local Councils provide further information about the role of local councillors and parish councils, and there is also a range of information on their website ( All About Local Councils Good Councillor Guide It Takes All Sorts
Parish Council Clerk
Belby, Common Lane, Corley CV7 8AQ
Tel: 07877 559825
Being a Councillor
A booklet for anyone wanting to know more about parish, town, neighbourhood and community councils and the role of local councillors.
Download booklet.
This is a training resource aimed at local councillors, but is also a helpful resource to anyone wanting to know more about the work of a councillor or thinking of becoming one.
Download guide
A booklet highlighting the difference you can make by representing your community on your local council. It explains the role of local councils and local councillors and tells you how you can get involved. The booklet also features the thoughts of current councillors from around the country explaining a little about why they represent their communities. It makes it clear that people from all backgrounds and walks of life have made the journey to becoming a local councillor, and that so can you. You may find this document useful if you are considering standing for your local council or if you are curious about the role of local councils and local councillors.
Download booklet.